Part Two - Highlights.
See some recently discovered archive footage
depicting the early exploits of Jacques Cousteau from the Ley Kenyon Film Archive
(1936-46), torpedo firing footage shot by Jimmy Hodges (early 1950s), the mysterious
disappearance of 'Buster` Crabb (1956), BSAC (London Branch) at Salcombe(1955)
and an early Mediterranean diving holiday to 'Giglio` (1961).
1943 First mass produced SCUBA equipment designed and built by Jacques Cousteau
and Emile Gagnan.
1946 Graham Balcombe founded the longest-running club: the Cave Diving Group.
Formation of early diving clubs.
SCUBA and commercial diving.
J.S. Haldane's research into mixed gas diving.
1990 End of standard diver dress at Portsmouth leads to formation of the Historical
Diving Society.
Development of rebreather systems.
1942 Hans Hass
1975 Military Applications
Computer-controlled apparatus, designed by Carmellan Research and built
by Draeger in Germany. Plus 'Huautla Project` mixed gas system.
Futuristic lightweight semi-closed set.
© The
Secret Bottletop Production
Company Limited 8 January, 2001
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